Wednesday, October 15, 2014

360 Days

Exercise and Diet

Well, the weekend was not very productive in terms of wedding things. Don't get me wrong. I did do something. We sat down with Kyle's parents and asked who they would like to have at the wedding and then we jotted down their names and addresses into's wedding guest list program. TheKnot's program is very helpful, at least what I've done with it so far. You can enter in a person's name, their spouse, their children, their street address, their phone number, their email address, and their relation to you or the groom. You can then further use that least to keep track of who you've sent invites to, who has responded, and who is eating what at the wedding. But for the most part we just enjoyed the nice weather on Sunday and cozied up in front of the TV on Saturday while it rained.

I did want to use this post to explain my 365 day wedding exercise/diet routine. Now, I'm not necessarily new to dieting or exercise. I've done WeightWatchers before. I've been to the gym before. I know what needs to be done. I'm just not good at sticking with an exercise or diet plan for the long haul. Things always seem to get in the way like holidays where you just have to stuff your face with all the delicious food in front of you. But I'm hoping that this time works out better. This time I have a clear goal, not one that is just made up in my head. I have 365 days and that's it. I'm not looking to be the next heavyweight champion. I just want to be healthy, to be in the average/healthy section of the chart for my age and height.

I tried to figure out the best way to tell you guys about my goal and my weight without actually giving away too much information but honesty is the best and easiest policy. So I weighed myself yesterday and I am 176 lbs. As a 5 foot 7 inch tall girl in her 20s I should be between 118 – 159 lbs. Therefore I have made my ideal weight goal to be 150 lbs by October 10th, 2015. 26 lbs in 365 days which is 1/2 lbs every week.

I want to lose weight but I don't want to make myself miserable doing it. I will diet but I am not going eliminate every bad thing from my life. I love Fritos and I love diet soda. I can't eliminate those. I will eat/drink less but they are like my beer at the end of the day. They relax me.

Casey's 8 Diet Rules:
1. Drink more water
2. Don't drink your calories
3. Avoid unnecessary carbs
4. Don't add cheese
5. Only dark chocolate
6. More fruits and vegetables
7. Only eat out of bowls or plates, never the bag
8. Don't feel guilty about a bad day

For my exercise portion I am keeping it decently simple to start. As I mentioned before I have been to the gym before. I have an idea of what needs to be done. That is why I am going to do an even amount of cardio and weigh lifting. Yes, weight lifting. One big misconception is that lifting weights is only for people that want big bulky muscles. That's not true. Lifting weights does build muscle. But Increasing muscle is important, because it also increases your metabolism, which means that you burn more calories in a day. Now the first 3 to 4 weeks of exercising are the worst. You're sore. You're crabby. It is just not any fun. But after those 4 weeks your exercising starts to create endorphins and endorphins make you happy. Exercising will make you happy.

Because your body needs time to recover I will be rotating my cardio and my weight lifting each day. At this point I can not run a mile straight but if I push myself I can run/walk 2 miles within thirty minutes before I truly hate what I'm doing. Therefore every other day I will use the treadmill for 30 minutes. At this point I don't care if I walk or run, only that I push myself to do my best and actually move for all 30 minutes. That is a good enough goal for now.

Now this is all in my house type exercising. I don't have any fancy machinery besides a treadmill. All of my weight lifting exercises use only two 8 lbs hand weights.

For the weight lifting I have outlined my routine below. It consists of 3 sections: 1. Arms 2. Legs 3. Abs

For each move in each section I do 10 reps. Once I complete the whole routine I repeat as many times as I can within an episode of Criminal Minds on Netflix. I usually get through three or four. The naming of each move is not official. I am not a trainer. I don't know all the technical terms. This is just what I call them.

1. Shoulder Press

2. Shoulder Fly

3. Front Arm Raise

4. Bicep Curls

5. One Arm Kickbacks

1. Squats

2. High Knees

3. Standing Side leg lift

4. Standing Back leg lift

5. Kneeling leg raise

6. Kneeling leg curl

7. Side leg lift

1. Sit Ups

2. Crunches

3. Flutter kicks

4. Hip Up

5. Hip Up + Leg raise

6. Arm Dips

Over time I am hoping to increase the number of reps and the weights that I use but that will take time. I will be sure to keep you guys posted on any updates and weight loss. If only you could just wish the weight away!

Feel free to message me with any questions or tips. I'd love to hear them.

Only 361 days to go!


*Disclaimer - I do not own these images. These were taken from

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